среда, 2 января 2008 г.

Magic mirror for show stereo images

Up-to-date technologies achieve such high level that the possibility appears to realize the dream expressed in many old fairy tales to see in a mirror the reflection not only real world but also perfectly other world which now is designated by the term “virtual’. We do not speak about some screen of small TV set where the image is formed in the plane of the screen. We speak about the image which has all properties of the image which an observer see in a conventional mirror. The observer can near the mirror to his eyes. In this case he will see the image in greater space angle. Ought to underline that an observer see the image out the plane of the mirror. The mirror is presented to an observer as the hole through which the observer looks at objects of virtual world of natural size and the distance between them and observer can be both great and small.
This assertion can be understood clearly if we consider process of production of the image in the magic mirror for a specific case. Let 1000 luminous LEDs are located along a vertical straight line and the distance between adjacent LEDs is 3 mm. In this case the length of the LEDs line is 3 m. Let the line is located in a corner of a room. If we take a conventional plane mirror and begin to look at the image of the LEDs line in the mirror, we see in the mirror a fragment of the line. If we near the mirror to our eyes we can see the whole line. If we rotate the mirror at some angle around the vertical axis, we see that the line moves horizontally. If we periodically oscillate the mirror on and counter clockwise, we see a luminous rectangular. Now if we turn on and turn off each LED in the line in some instants, we can see some image instead of homogeneous continues rectangular. Thus the magic mirror differs from conventional one by two points. Firstly, the magic mirror oscillates. Secondly, an observer looks in the magic mirror at the line of LEDs.
The height of the virtual image is equal to the height of LEDs line that is the height is 3 m. The width of virtual image depends on the maximal angle of mirror oscillation and the width can surpass the height by several times. The distance between the mirror and image is equal to the distance between the mirror and the line of LEDs. In this case the distance between an observer and image can surpass size of the room. Vertical resolution is 1000. Horizontal resolution can be significantly greater and depends on the minimal time which is required to switch LED from one state to another one.

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